Apply for Funding through the Youth Advisory Council

Do you have an innovative idea for improving the health and wellness of youth

in the community?

Who Can Apply for Funding?

  • Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) organization or a county/state/or federal government agency

What are the Council’s Funding Requirements?

  • The projects/programs MUST target youth in central Ohio

  • The projects should provide programs and activities that address the Council’s health funding priorities

  • Youth leadership in the development and implementation of the project is strongly encouraged

  • All successful grantees must provide appropriate recognition of CMAF’s Youth Advisory Council in all publicity

What are the Council’s Funding Guidelines?

  • Grants are limited to a maximum of $2,000.00 and are typically for workshops or projects within a school, non-profit, and/or youth group

  • Sponsorships are limited to a maximum of $2,000.00 and must be for community-wide and all-inclusive events

The CMAF Youth Advisory Council does NOT fund:

  • Individuals

  • Private foundations

  • Religious or political activities

  • Ongoing operating funds

  • Indirect or administrative overhead costs (this includes staff salaries)

  • Deficits, endowments, or research

How to Apply for Council Funding

  • Complete and application and submit to the CMA Foundation by 4:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month.

  • Applications can be sent via any of the following methods:
    - E-mail:
    - Mail: Youth Advisory Council Coordinator
                1390 Dublin Road
                Columbus, Ohio 43215